Jiang Lab

Soft Matter and Nano Engineering Laboratory

Selected Publications

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Materials Horizons

Silver nanoink

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

Janus Nano-Dumbbell

Nano Letters

Janus Ionic Liquid

J. Phys. Chem. Lett.

Biobased Hydrophobic Coating

Nanoscale Advances

Polymeric Janus Dumbbell

J. Colloid Interface Sci.

Janus Particle 2D-crystal


Janus Particle Drying

Soft Matter

Transparent UV Coating

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces


Nano Letters

-- Selected Publications --
    -- 2025 --
  1. Spontaneous Charging from Sliding Water Drops Determines the Deposition of Charged Solutes
    X. Zhou, Y. Ji, Z. Ni, J. G. Lopez, K. Peneva, S Jiang, K. Koynov, H. Butt Adv. Mater. Accepted (2025).
  2. A Novel Dilution Strategy for Tuning Janus Particle Morphology
    Y. Li, E. Pirhadi, S. Demirci, U.K. Dey, T. Rawah, A. Chaudary, R. Ortega, C. Thorpe, X. Yong, S. Jiang*, Under Revision
  3. Enhancing Biolistic Plant Transformation and Genome Editing with a Novel Flow Guiding Barrel
    C. Thorpe, W. Luo, Q. Ji, A.L. Eggenberger, A.S. Chicowski, W. Xu, R. Sandhu, K. Lee, S.A. Whitham, Y. Qi*, K. Wang*, S. Jiang* Submitted
  4. Memory Manufacture under Microgravity (MMuM): In-space Manufactured ZnO-based Resistive Random Access Memory for Emerging Computing Application
    Y. Huang, L. Jiang, M. Marander, S. Prakash Maddineni, H. Qin, S. Jiang, C. Hill, M. Seol, Y. Chen Submitted
  5. Pressure Controls Electrochemical Stability in Potassium Metal Batteries
    S. Alaei, W. Jiao†, M. Ojha, C. Thorpe, B. Guyll†, J. Ramamurthy, S. Jiang, C.L. Pint Submitted
  6. Space Enabled Advanced Devices and Semiconductors (SEADS) – an Era for In-Space Electronics Manufacturing, Part I: Material Development, EHD Printing under Microgravity, Demonstration and Roadmap
    L. Jiang, M. Marander, Y. Huang, R. Wolf, P. Zhang, J. Kocemba, K.A. Alharbi, X. Jiang, F. Liu, T. Kirscht, R. Ortega, Y. Chang, J.M. Jones, C.W. Hill, Y. Chen, S. Jiang*, H. Qin*Submitted
  7. -- 2024 --
  8. Biobased polymers enabling the synthesis of ultralong silver nanowires and other nanostructures
    F. Liu, W.L. Robinson, T. Kirscht, K. Fichthorn, S. Jiang*, Nano Lett. 24, 45, 14381 (2024).
  9. Silver Nano-Inks Synthesized with Biobased Polymers for High-Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Printing Towards In-Space Manufacturing (Cover Story)
    T. Kirscht, L. Jiang, F. Liu, X. Jiang, M. Marander, R. Ortega, H. Qin*, S. Jiang*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16, 33, 44225 (2024). [pdf] [Cover Image].
  10. Structural Features of Biobased Composite Foams Revealed by X-Ray Tomography
    S. Morankar, R. Mort, G. Curtzwiler, K. Vorst, S. Jiang*, N. Chawla*, RSC Adv. 14, 27, 19528 (2024).
  11. High-Sensitivity Fully Printed Flexible BaTiO3-Based Capacitive Humidity Sensor for In-space Manufacturing by Electrohydrodynamic Inkjet Printing
    L. Jiang, W. Li, R. Wolf, M. Marander, T. Kirscht, F. Liu, J. Jones, C. Hill, S. Jiang, H. Qin,  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 24, 15, 24659 (2024).
  12. Two Sides of the Coin: Synthesis and Applications of Janus Nanoparticles
    Y. Li, F. Liu, S. Demirci, U.K. Dey, T. Rawaha, A. Chaudary, R. Ortega, Z. Yang, E. Pirhadi, B. Huang, X. Yong, S. Jiang*, Nanoscale 17, 88 (2025). [pdf]
  13. Beyond Surfactants: Janus Particles for Functional Interfaces and Coatings
    U. K. Dey, S. Demirci, R. Ortega, T. Rawah, A. Chaudary, F. Liu, Z. Yang, B. Huang, S. Jiang* Langmuir 41, 5, 2980 (2025).
  14. -- 2023 --
  15. Janus particles – a new additive for improving waterborne hydrophobic coatings through self-stratification
    S. Jiang, Y. Li, and R. Mort CoatingsTech 21,1, 30 (2024) (Front Cover).
  16. Composition Comprising Self-Stratifying Amphiphilic Janus Particles
    Y. Li, S. Jiang*, US Patent 63/027,193 (2023).
  17. Critical Role of Pressure for Chemo-Mechanical Induced Stability of Sodium Metal Battery Anodes
    W. Jiao, M. Zohair, J. Eaves-Rathert, J. Ramamurthy, A. Harkaway, R. Mort, J. Wheaton, S. Jiang, S. Martin, C. Pint, ACS Energy Lett. 8, 6, 2711 (2023). [pdf]
  18. Low-Isocyanate Polyurethane Foams Prepared from Bio-sourced and Landfill-Diverted Materials
    R. Mort, E. Peters, E. Griffin, G. Curtzwiler, K. Vorst*, and S. Jiang*, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 5, 9, 7602 (2023). [pdf]
  19. Creating Waterborne Self-Stratified Coatings by Adding Anisotropic Particles
    Y. Li, S. Jiang, Waterborne Symposium Siltech Best Paper (2023).
  20. -- 2022 --
  21. Identifying factors that determine effectiveness of delivery agent in biolistic delivery using a library of amine-containing molecules
    K. Miller, C. Thorpe, A. Eggenberger, K. Lee, M. Kang, F. Liu, K. Wang*, and S. Jiang*, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 5, 10, 4972 (2022). [pdf]
  22. Who Wins the Race Near the Interface? – Stratification of Colloids, Nano-Surfactants and Others
    Y. Li, M. Marander, R. Mort, F. Liu, X. Yong*, and S. Jiang*, J. Appl. Phys. 132, 110901 (2022). [pdf]
  23. Efficient Direct Lignin Fuel Cell Enabled by Hierarchical Nickel-Iron Phosphide Nanosheets as Anode Catalyst
    F. Liu, A. Lusi, H. Radhakrishnan, H. Liu, W. Li, H. Qin, S. Jiang, X. Bai, and Shan H., Sustain. Energy Fuels 6, 4866 (2022).
  24. Waterborne Polyurethane/Acrylic Adhesive Blends from Physaria fendleri Oil for Food Packaging Applications
    R. Mort, E. Olson, H. Thurber, S. Jiang, K. Vorst, G. Curtzwiler Sustainability 14(14), 8657 (2022). [pdf]
  25. Biofillers Improved Compression Modulus of Extruded PLA Foams
    R. Mort, E. Peters, G. Curtzwiler, S. Jiang, K. Vorst, Sustainability 14(9), 5521 (2022). [pdf]
  26. Sustainable composites using landfill bound materials
    R. Mort, V. Cecon, P. Mort, K. Mclnturff, S. Jiang, K. Vorst, G. Curtzwiler, Front. Mater. 9, 849955 (2022). [pdf]
  27. -- 2021 --
  28. Enhancing Biobased Polymer Coatings Through Nanoparticle Assembly
    E. Olson, R. Mort, Y. Li, G. Curtzwiler, K. Vorst, S. Jiang*, PCI Magazine (2021).
  29. Biobased Superhydrophobic Coating Enabled by Nanoparticle Assembly (Front Cover)
    E. Olson, J. Blisko, C. Du, Y. Liu, Y. Li, H. Thurber, G. Curtzwiler, J. Ren, M. Thuo, X. Yong, S. Jiang*, Nanoscale Advances 3, 4037 - 4047 (2021).[pdf][Cover Image]
  30. UV-absorbing Coating Including Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
    E.J. Olson, S. Jiang*, United States Patent, 10975251 (2021).
  31. Self-Assembly in Biobased Nanocomposites for Multifunctionality and Improved Performance,
    E. Olson,F. Liu, J. Blisko, Y. Li, A. Tsyrenova, R. Mort, K. Vorst, G. Curtzwiler, X. Yong, S. Jiang*, Nanoscale Advances 3, 4321 - 4348 (2021).
  32. An improved biolistic delivery and analysis method for evaluation of DNA and CRISPR-Cas delivery efficacy in plant tissue
    K. Miller, A.L. Eggenberger, K. Lee, F. Liu, M. Kang, M. Drent, A. Ruba, T. Kirscht, K. Wang*, S. Jiang*, Scientific Report 11, 7695 (2021). [pdf]
  33. Effects of anionic and nonionic surfactants on the dispersion and stability of nanoSiO2 in aqueous and cement pore solutions
    Y. Sargam, K. Wang*, A. Tsyrenova, F. Liu, S. Jiang*, Cement and Concrete Research 144, 106417 (2021).[pdf]
  34. Biobased Foams for Thermal Insulation: Material Selection, Processing, Modelling, and Performance
    R. Mort, K. Vorst, G. Curtzwiler, S. Jiang*, RSC Adv. 11, 4375-4394 (2021).[pdf]
  35. -- 2020 --
  36. Activation and assembly of plasmonic-magnetic nano-surfactants for encapsulation and triggered release
    F. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Huang, A. Tsyrenova, K. Miller, L. Zhou, H. Qin, S. Jiang*, Nano Lett. 20, 12, 8773 (2020).[pdf]
  37. Unique orientation of the solid-solid interface at the Janus particle boundary induced by ionic liquids (Cover Story)
    A. Tsyrenova, M. Farooq, S. Anthony, K. Molleiean, Y. Li, F. Liu, K. Miller, J. Ren, J. Anderson, S. Jiang*,
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
    11, 22, 9834 (2020).[pdf]
  38. Self-Stratification of Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Coating Surfaces (Front Cover)
    Y. Li, F. Liu, S. Chen, A. Tsyrenova, K. Miller, E. Olson, R. Mort, D. Palm, C. Xiang, X. Yong, S. Jiang*,
    Mater. Horiz. 7, 2047 (2020).[pdf][Cover Image].
    Highlighted in News: ScienceDaily, PHYS.ORG, NEW ATLAS, NEWSWISE, Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine, TECH EXPLORIST
  39. Fundamentals of Smart Materials: Janus Particles as Smart Materials (book chapter)
    S. Jiang*, K. Miller, Royal Society of Chemistry 978-1-78262-645-9 (2020).
  40. Nanoparticle assembly modulated by polymer chain conformation in composite materials
    S. Chen, E. Olson, S. Jiang*, X. Yong*, Nanoscale 12, 14560 (2020).[pdf]
  41. Study Effects of Particle Size in Metal Nanoink for Electrohydrodynamic Inkjet Printing Through Analysis of Droplet Impact Behaviors
    Y. Huang, L. Jiang, B. Li, P. Premaratned, S. Jiang*, H. Qin*, J. Manuf. Process. 56, 1270 (2020).[pdf]
  42. Altering macrophage adhesion and modulating their response with hydrophobically modified hydrogels
    Z. Xu, D. Hwang, M. Bartlett, S. Jiang*, K. Bratlie*, Biochemical Engineering Journal 165, 107821 (2020).
  43. Controlled Release of Adenosine from Core-shell Nanofibers to Promote Bone Regeneration through STAT3 Signaling Pathway
    X. Cheng, G. Cheng, X. Xing, C. Yin, Y. Zheng, S. Jiang, H. Deng, Z. Li, J. Control. Release 319, 234 (2020).[pdf]
  44. Post-consumer polymers (PCR) for color retention of delicatessen meats and elucidation of the light blocking mechanism
    E. Olson, F. Liu, T. Bahns, S. Jiang, K. Vorst, G. Curtzwiler, Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25, e00193 (2020).[pdf]
  45. -- 2019 --
  46. Thin Biobased Transparent UV-Blocking Coating Enabled by Nanoparticle Self-assembly
    E. Olson, Y. Li, F. Lin, K. Miller, F. Liu, A. Tsyrenova, D. Palm, G. Curtzwiler, K. Vorst, E. Cochran, S. Jiang*,
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
    11 (27), 24552 (2019).[pdf]
  47. Self-assembly of Janus Dumbbell Nanocrystals and Their Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance (Cover Story)
    F. Liu, S. Goyal, M. Forrester, T. Ma, K. Miller, L. Zhou, E. Cochran, S. Jiang*, Nano Lett. 19 (3), 1587 (2019).[pdf] [Cover Image]
  48. Morphology Evolution of Janus Dumbbell Nanoparticles in Seeded Emulsion Polymerization (Cover Story)
    Y. Li, S. Chen, S. Demirci, S. Qin, Z. Xu, E. Olson, F. Liu, D. Palm, X. Yong*, S. Jiang*, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 543, 42 (2019).[pdf] [Cover Image]
  49. Surfactant Mediated Assembly of Amphiphilic Janus Spheres (Cover Story)
    A. Tsyrenovaa, K. Miller, J. Yan, E. Olson, S. Jiang*, Langmuir 35 (18), 6106 (2019) [pdf] [Cover Image]
  50. Fabrication of Micro-scale Radiation Shielding Structures Using Tungsten Nanoink Through Electrohydrodynamic Inkjet Printing
    H. Lyu, X. Zhang, F. Liu; Y. Huang, S. Jiang*, H. Qin*, J. Micromech. Microeng 29 (11), 115004 (2019).
  51. Controlled Co-delivery of Growth Factors through Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Core–Shell Nanofibers for Improving Bone Regeneration
    G. Cheng, C. Yin, H. Tu, S. Jiang, Q. Wang, X. Xing, C. Xie, X. Shi, Y. Du, H. Deng, Z. Li, ACS Nano 13 (6), 6372 (2019).
  52. Mixed post-consumer recycled polyolefins as a property tuning material for virgin polypropylene
    G.W. Curtzwiler, Y. Li, M. Schweitzer, S. Jiang, K.L. Vorst, J. Clean. Prod. 239, 117978 (2019).
  53. -- 2017 - 2018 --
  54. Design Colloidal Particle Morphology and Self-assembly for Coating Applications
    S. Jiang*, A. Maurice, J. Bohling, D. Fasano, A.V. Dyk, S. Brownell, Chem. Soc. Rev. 46, 3792 (2017). [pdf]
  55. A Switchable Polymer Brush System for Antifouling and Controlled Detection
    S. Demirci, S. Kinali-Demirci, S. Jiang*, Chem. Comm. 53, 3713 (2017). [pdf]
  56. Drying Mediated Orientation and Assembly Structure of Amphiphilic Janus Particles (Cover Story)
    K. Miller, A. Tsyrenova, S. Anthony, S. Qin, X. Yong* and S. Jiang*, Soft Matter 14, 6793 (2018). [pdf] [Cover Image]
  57. Scalable and Rechargeable Antimicrobial Coating for Food Safety Applications (Cover Story)
    M. Qiao, Q. Liu, Y. Yong, Y. Pardo, R. Worobo, Z. Liu, S. Jiang, M. Ma, J. Agric. Food Chem. 66, 11441 (2018) [pdf] [cover image].
  58. Chemically modified gellan gum hydrogels with tunable properties for use as tissue engineering scaffolds
    Z. Xu; Z. Li, S. Jiang, K. Bratlie, ACS Omega 3, 6998 (2018). [pdf]

  59. -- Before ISU --
  60. Measuring and Controlling Wet Hiding of Architectural Coatings
    S. Jiang, D. Fasano, L. Adamson, D. Kelly, Coating Trends and Technologies, Chicago Conference (2016). [pdf]
  61. Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles by Acoustically Induced Rotary Saturation (AIRS)
    B. Zhu, T. Witzel, S. Jiang, B.R. Rosen, L.L. Wald, Magnet. Reson. Med. 75:97 (2016).
  62. Orientationally Glassy Crystals of Janus Spheres
    S. Jiang, J. Yan, J.K. Whitmer, S.M. Anthony, E. Luijten, S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 218301 (2014). [pdf]
  63. Lipidoid-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Efficient DNA and siRNA delivery
    S. Jiang, A.A. Eltoukhy, K.T. Love, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, Nano Lett. 13, 105, 9 (2013). [pdf]
  64. Janus Particle Synthesis, Self-assembly and Applications (book)
    S. Jiang, S. Granick, London: Royal Society of Chemistry ISBN-13: 978-1849734233 (2012).
  65. Supracolloidal Reaction kinetics of Janus Spheres
    Q. Chen, J. Whitmer, S. Jiang, S. Bae, E. Luijten, S. Granick, Science 331, 199 (2011). [pdf]
  66. Janus Particle Synthesis and Assembly
    S. Jiang, Q. Chen, M. Tripathy, E. Luijten, K. S. Schweizer, S. Granick, Adv. Mater. 22, 1060 (2010). [pdf]
  67. In vivo Endothelial siRNA Delivery Using Polymeric Nanoparticles with Low Molecular Weight
    E. Dahlman, C. Barnes, O.F. Khan, A. Thiriot, S. Jhunjunwala, T.E. Shaw, Y. Xing, H.B. Sager, G.Sahay, L. Speciner, A. Bader, R.L. Bogorad, H. Yin, T. Racie, Y. Dong, S. Jiang, D. Seedorf, A. Dave, K. Sandhu, M. Webber, T. Novobrantseva, V. Ruda, A. Lytton-Jean, C. Levins, B. Kalish, D. Mudge, M. Perez, L. Abezgauz, P. Dutta, L. Smith, K. Charisse, M. Kieran, K. Fitzgerald, M. Nahrendorf, D. Danino, R. Tuder, U. von Andrian, A. Akinc, D. Panigrahy, A. Schroeder, V. Koteliansky, R. Langer, D. Anderson, Nat. Nanotechnol. 9, 648 (2014).
  68. Glucose-Responsive Microgels Integrated with Enzyme Nanocapsules for Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery
    Z. Gu, T.T. Dang, M. Ma, B.C. Tang, H. Cheng, S. Jiang, Y. Dong, Y. Zhang, and D. G. Anderson, ACS Nano 7, 6758 (2013).
  69. Modular ‘Click-in-Emulsion’ Bone-Targeted Nanogels
    D. Heller, Y. Levi, J.M. Pelet, J.C. Doloff, J. Wallas, G.W. Pratt, S. Jiang, G. Sahay, Schroeder A., Schroeder J., Chyan Y., Zurenko C., Querbes W., Manzano M., Kohane D., Langer R., Anderson D., Adv. Mater. 25, 1149 (2012).
  70. Remotely activated protein-producing nanoparticles
    A. Schroeder, M.S. Goldberg, C. Kastrup, Y. Wang, S. Jiang, B.J. Joseph, C.G. Levins, S.T. Kannan, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, Nano Lett. 12, 2685 (2012).
  71. Alkane-modified short polyethyleneimine for siRNA delivery
    A. Schroeder, J.E. Dahlman, G. Sahay, K.T. Love, S. Jiang, A.A. Eltoukhy, C.G. Levins, Y. Wang, D.G. Anderson, J. Control Release 160, 172 (2012).
  72. Combinatorial synthesis of chemically diverse core-shell nanoparticles for intracellular delivery
    D.J. Siegwart, K.A. Whitehead, L. Nuhna, G. Sahaya, H. Cheng, S. Jiang, M. Ma, A. Lytton-Jean, A.Vegas, P. Fentona, C.G. Levins, K.T. Loveb, H. Leea, C. Corteza, S.P. Collinsa, Y.F. Lia, J. Jang, W. Querbes, C. Zurenko, T. Novobrantseva, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, PNAS 108, 12996 (2011).
  73. Janus Particles
    S. Granick, S. Jiang, Q. Chen, Physics Today 62, 68 (2009).
  74. A Simple Method to Produce Trivalent Colloidal Particles
    S. Jiang, S. Granick, Langmuir 25, 8915 (2009).
  75. Solvent-free Synthesis of Janus Colloidal Particles
    S. Jiang, M. Schultz, Q. Chen, J. Moore, S. Granick, Langmuir 24, 10073 (2008).
  76. Controlling the Geometry (Janus balance) of Amphiphilic Colloidal Particles
    S. Jiang, S. Granick, Langmuir 24, 2438 (2008).
  77. PDMS Melts on Mica Studied by Confocal Raman Scattering
    S. Jiang, S.C. Bae, S. Granick, Langmuir 24, 1489 (2008).
  78. System for Forming Janus Particles
    S. Jiang, L. Hong and S. Granick, US International Patent WO/2008/118511.
  79. Using Light to Study Boundary Lubrication: Spectroscopic Study of Confined Fluids
    S. Bae, J. Wong, M. Kim, S. Jiang, L. Hong, S. Granick, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 366, 1443 (2008).
  80. Janus Balance of Amphiphilic Colloidal Particles
    S. Jiang, S. Granick, Chem. Phys 127, 161102 (2007).
  81. A Simple Method to Produce Janus Colloidal Particles in Large Quantity
    L. Hong, S. Jiang*, S. Granick, Langmuir 22, 9495 (2006). *contributed equally as first author
  82. Study on Antibacterial Behavior of Insoluble Quaternary Ammonium,
    S. Jiang, L. Wang, H.J. Yu, Y. Chen, Q. Shi, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 99, 2389 (2006).
  83. Chitosan-mediated Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles on Patterned Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Surfaces
    B. Wang, K. Chen, S. Jiang, F. Reincke, W. Tong, D. Wang, C. Gao, Biomacromolecules 7, 1203 (2006).
  84. Preparation of Crosslinked Polystyrenes with Quaternary Ammonium and Their Antibacterial Behavior
    S. Jiang, L. Wang, H. Yu, Y. Chen, React. Funct. Polym 62, 209 (2005).
  85. Preparation of Zeolite Antibacterial Agents and Antibacterial Polymer Composite and Their Antibacterial Properties
    Y. Chen, L. Wang, S. Jiang, J. Polym. Mat. 20, 279 (2003).
  86. Simulation of Molecular Weight Distribution Using a New kinetic Model of Ethene Polymerization Catalyzed by Cp2ZrCl2/MAO
    S. Jiang, L. Wang, Macromol. Theory Simul. 11, 871 (2002).
  87. New Kinetic Model of Ethene Polymerization with Cp2ZrCl2/MAO Catalyst
    S. Jiang, L. Wang, P.Y. Zhang, L.X. Feng, Macromol. Theory Simul. 11, 77 (2002).