Jiang Lab

Soft Matter and Nano Engineering Laboratory


(Check out our photos)
-- 2024 --

    May - June
  • We received a Digital and Precision Agriculture Grant!
  • Heremes Biomaterials attended and presented at the DOE Workshop!
  • Connor and Dr. Jiang completed the most customer discoveries in DOE Phase Shift program!
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk at UMass Amherst workshop!
  • GAPS program presented a paper at ASEE conference.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk at the CB2 board meeting!
  • Our collaborative work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics!
  • Prof. Jiang helped review NSF proposals!
  • Jiang lab startup Hermes Biomaterials starts to generate sales.
  •     March - April
  • Prof. Jiang presented at the NSF IGE workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang helped review NSF proposals!
  • Prof. Jiang is admitted to ISU Emerging Leaders Academy.
  • Jiang Lab receives NASA contract for developing new 3D printing materials!
  • Dr. Abhijit Bera joined us as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome!
  • Jiang Lab Startup Hermes Biomaterials enrolled in DOE Phase Shift Program!
  • Jiang Lab startup Janas Materials is mentioned in Move what Matters !
  •     January - Feburary
  • Prof. Jiang presented at the NSF Innovation in Graduate Education workshop
  • Tyler, Matt, Ritinder, Ricardo and Aneeba helped present for Scholars Day
  • Prof. Jiang serves review panel for NSF grants
  • Prof. Jiang receives DOE STTR grant
  • Prof. Jiang helps review Miller Grant as vice-chair for CELT advisory board
  • Jiang Lab startup Hermes Biomaterials receives DOE STTR fund
  • Connor, Ritinder and Dr. Jiang are participating NSF I-Corps program
  • Dr. Jiang hosted a Spring GAPS workshop.
  • Our Janus particle work has been featured on the cover of CoatingsTech Magazine
  • Jiang Lab startup Janas Materials are featured on Iowa State University News !

  • -- 2023 --

        November - December
  • Prof. Jiang receives Digital and Precision Agriculture Grant.
  • Dr. Jiang gave an invited talk at the University of Coimbra in Portugal.
  • Dr. Jiang gave an invited talk at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces.
  • Dr. Jiang gave an invited talk at Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden.
  • Thamer Rawah joins our group as a PhD candidate.
  •     September - October
  • Graduate student Aneeba Chaudary joined our lab, welcome!
  • Dr. Jiang serves as a reviewer for NASA EPSCoR proposals.
  • We receives SERDP funding for developing PFAS replacement materials.
  • Dr. Jiang gave an invited talk at the Mainz University.
  • Dr. Jiang gave an invited talk at the Max Planck Institute.
  • Dr. Jiang presented at FEMS EUROMAT 2023 conference.
  •     July - August
  • Collin Grota joins our lab sponsored by Boeing Internship.
  • Prof. Jiang is visiting Max Planck Institute for his sabbatical.
  • We received 2023 IAF fund.
  • Undergraduate Jessica Fuertes-De Arcos joined our lab with sponsorship from NSF, welcome.
  • Dr. Jiang and Janas Materials are featured on Forward magazine!
  • Our team is featued in NSF I-Corps video!
  • Becky's paper on biobased foams is accepted by ACS Applied Polymer Materials, congratulations!
  • Dr. Jiang was invited to attend the in-space manufacturing workshop at Purdue.
  •     May - June
  • Dr. Jiang gives an invited talk at NCSU.
  • Dr. Jiang gives an invited talk at Arkema Cary site at NC.
  • Yiqi gives a talk on GAPS program at ASEE conference at Baltimore.
  • Dr. Jiang gives an invited talk at the CoatingsTech conference at Cleveland.
  • Yifan, Matt, Tyler and Fei pitched at the TechConnect conference in DC.
  • Becky successfully defended her PhD thesis, congratulations!
  • Matt, Tyler and Fei give a poster presentation at the CEAB meeting.
  • Our collaborative work with ME is accepted by ACS Energy Lett.
  • Junho Lee joined our research group, welcome!
  • Jack Nolder joined our research group, welcome!
  •     March - April
  • Adam Eichhorn is honored as an Outstanding Senior and featured in the news.
  • GAPS program is featured in the Iowa State Daily.
  • Becky, Matt and Tyler give demos to Science Bound students.
  • Prof. Jiang serves reviewer for ERI proposals.
  • We receive supplement NASA fund for supporting new flight tests.
  • Prof. Jiang serves as the vice chair for CELT advisory board.
  • Prof. Jiang gives an invited talk at MRS National conference.
  • Prof. Jiang joins as a faculty member of the new BME program.
  • Prof. Jiang helps host Dr. Xiaoxing Xi on behalf of CFSA.
  • Fei, Tyler, Matt, Ricardo and Prof. Jiang present at NASA EPSCoR symposium.
  • Prof. Jiang helps invite and host Dr. Xiaoxing Xi on behalf of CFSA.
  • Prof. Jiang receives Digital and Precision Agriculture Grant.
  • Prof. Jiang is serving board for ISU CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching).
  • Janas Materials starts phase II contract with Diamond and Vogel.
  • Prof. Jiang's teaching effort is highlighted in the news.
  •     January - Feburary
  • Yifan's work was selected for the Siltech best paper award. Congratulations!
  • Our team attends Great Lakes I-Corps Hub.
  • Prof. Jiang serves as a reviewer for NASA grant.
  • Dr. Serkan Demirci rejoins our lab, welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang serves for College of Enginnering strategic planning committee.
  • Prof. Jiang gives an invite talk at the Waterborne Symposium.
  • Becky, Tyler, Matt and Rintinder present and give demos for Scholar Day
  • Prof. Jiang's helps organize Chinese New Year celebration news, Ames Tribune.
  • Prof. Jiang interviews with "It's A Material World" Video, Podcast.
  • Prof. Jiang hosts a GAPS workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang serves Miller Grant review committee.
  • REFORM Club recieves Student Innovation Fund Award.
  • Prof. Jiang opens a new REFORM HONOR Sminar with Prof. Yuan.
  • -- 2022 --

        November - December
  • Prof. Jiang and Prof. Wang hosted joint Christmas group lunch and gift exchange.
  • Connor and Prof. Jiang presented at the CBC annual meeting.
  • Yifan and Becky presented for Janas Materials Inc. on Pitch Showcase/Demo Day.
  • Prof. Jiang's effort in commercialization is highlighted in news.
  • Becky, Matt and Tyler give demos for Science Bound students!
  • Connor helped Bio-Rad complete an evaluation.
  • Ricardo Ortega receives Copper Club Scholarship! Congrats!
  • Dr. Jiang receives Biobased Products Technology Demonstration Grant!
  • Becky successfully passed prelim. Congrats!
  • Kyle successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats, Dr. Miller!
  • Dr. Jiang attended the GreenPad Launch workshop training on teaching sustainability.
  •     September - October
  • Dr. Jiang invited Victor Sanfins Cecon to talk to REFORM team.
  • Dr. Jiang gives invited talk at Northwest CoatingsFest.
  • Dr. Jiang invited Dr. Ellen Wu to speak at University Lecture Series.
  • Kyle's work with Dr. Wang has been accepted in ACS Appl. Bio Mater., Congrats!
  • Becky, Matt and Tyler give demos for Science Bound students
  • Fei's work with Dr. Hu has been published in Sustain. Energy Fuels (IF=6.37), Congrats!
  • Janas Materials receives The Proof of Commercial Relevance (POCR) fund, news.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk in Coating Trends and Technologies.
  •     July - August
  • Yifan's paper with Dr. Yong is accepted by Journal of Applied Physics. Congratulations!
  • RERORM (Recyclables FOR Music) advised by Prof. Jiang becomes a student club.
  • Dr. Jiang hosted a summer GAPS workshop.
  • Janas Materials Inc. received Honorable Mention Awards in Pappajohn Venture Competition.
  • Prof. Jiang recieved a Sustainable Design Course Grant from VentureWell.
  • We recieved an NSF PFI-TT Grant.
  • Becky and Emily's work on biobased adheisve has been published in journal Sustainability, Congrats!
  • Zhengtao Yang joins us as a PhD student, welcome!
  • Kristen Aebischer joins us for summer research through IINSPIRE LSAMP Program.
  •     May - June
  • We recieved an Exploratory Research Projects Grant.
  • We recieved 2022 Regents Innovation Fund.
  • Annie Huynh joins us for summer undergraduate research through APEX-E program.
  • Billie Alexander joins us for summer undergraduate research through APEX-E program.
  • Janas Materials Inc. participated G2M Panel.
  • Ricardo Ortega joins us for summer undergraduate research through IINSPIRE LSAMP Program.
  • Sai Maurice joins us for summer undergraduate research, welcome!
  • We launched a startup Janas Materials Inc. based our particle technology.
  • We successfully completed another flight test with the IMSE team.
  • Becky's work on biofiller has been accepted in journal Sustainability, Congrats!
  •     March - April
  • Prof. Jiang invited Dr. Michael Prince for a teaching workshop at ISU.
  • Prof. Jiang served as a reviewer for NSF panel.
  • Kyle, Tyler and Becky presented fun demos for Science Bound Students.
  • Dr. Jiang is promoted to Tenured Associate Professor.
  • Kyle and Connor presented for Admitted Student Day.
  • Our Zero-G flight test is highlighted in the Iowa State Daily News .
  • Dr. Jiang presented to students from Sustainable World (ESW) about REFORM program.
  • Dr. Jiang served as a panelist for iCANX Talk.
  • Becky, Yifan and Dr. Jiang presented our technology at 1 Million Cups Ames.
  •     February
  • Becky's work in flyash has been accepted in journal Frontiers Materials, Congrats!
  • Dr. Jiang presented in Engineering day about plastic recycling.
  • Yifan, Becky and Dr. Jiang presented in Polymer Colloids symposium in San Diego.
  • Kyle, Connor and Tyler give demos for Scholars' Day at ISU.
  • Prof. Jiang served an NSF panel review.
  • Connor received DataFEWSion Graduate Traineeship, congrats!
  • Becky's work on composites using landfill is accepted by Frontiers in Materials, Congrats!
  • Bingrui Huang joins us for undergraduate research, welcome!
  •     January
  • Utsav Kumar Dey joined our lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang is serving MSE faculty search committee and graduate recruiting committee.
  • Undergraduate Ally Dunnum joined our lab for research, welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang successfuly hosted an in-perseon GAPS workshop with a panel discussion.
  • Our Zero-G flight test is highlighted in the Engineering news Website
  • Yifan successfully defended the thesis, congratulations Dr. Li!!
  • Ayuna successfully defended the thesis, congratulations!
  • -- 2021 --

        November - December
  • Jiang lab and Wang lab host the annual Christmas lunch and play the Secret Santa gift exchange.
  • Kyle and Connor presented in the CBC annual meeting.
  • Yifan, Becky and Prof. Jiang completed Start-up Facotry program.
  • Prof. Jiang and team successfully completed a Zero-G flight test for NASA.
  • Prof. Jiang hosts for Madeline Hsu visit for Chinese Faculty Scholar Association.
  • Prof. Jiang presents for the UTSouthwestern Career Presentation.
  •     October
  • Prof. Jiang presents for the Miller Faculty Fellowship reception.
  • Prof. Jiang presents for the "Polymers Week".
  • Prof. Jiang receives the BioBased Technology Demonstration fund.
  • Prof. Jiang's REFORM program is featured in the Engineering news: Website and on Instagram.
  • Prof. Jiang gave a virtual invited talk to Drexel University.
  • Matt received the the McGee-Wagner tuition scholarship, congratulations!
  •     September
  • Prof. Jiang presented at the ISU MSE seminar.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an Active Learning Workshop sponsored by the NSF teaching award.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk at UMass Amherst.
  • Becky and Prof. Jiang moderated sessions for Coating Trends and Technologies Conference.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk for Coating Trends and Technologies Conference.
  • Our nanoink technology is featured in the Engineering News.
  •     August
  • Prof. Jiang organizes and chairs ACS symposium "Surface, Interface and Coating Materials".
  • Prof. Jiang gives invited talk at ACS Fall national conference.
  • Out lab receives I-Corp mini grant.
  • Prof. Jiang successfuly hosted the first in-perseon GAPS workshop with a panel discussion.
  • Prof. Jiang presented about Active Learning Workshop in CoE leadership meeting!
  • Prof. Jiang advised a team of INNOVATION FELLOWS!
  •     July
  • Ayuna receives support from Catron Fellowshiop, Congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang receives support from NASA for developing 3D printing ink for space station!
  • Ayuna is helping develop videos for labs sponsored by Miller Faculty Fellowship!
  • Connor receives the prestigious F. Wendell Miller Graduate Scholarship, congratulations!
  • Connor Phelps Thorpe, a new graduate student joins our lab, welcome!
  •     June
  • Prof. Jiang receives Dean’s Excellence in Learning and Teaching Grant to promote PBL.
  • Prof. Jiang receives Early Achievement in Teaching Award!
  • Emily's review is accepted on Nanoscale Advances (IF=7.233), congratulations!
  • Yifan, Becky and Prof. Jiang joined Startup Factory cohort!
  • Our technology has been featured on a Germany industry newspaper BESSER LACKIEREN.
  • We recieved RIF grant in collaboration with Diamond Vogel!
  • Our NASA ISGC program is renewed with increased funding!
  •     May
  • We and Wang lab celebrated the 1st group lunch in-person in 14 months!
  • Emily started her new journey at Ecolab as a research scientist, congratulations!
  • Emily successfully defended her PhD thesis, congratulations Dr. Olson!
  • Emily's biobased hydrophobic research made to the front cover of Nanoscale Adv.!
  • Master student Tyler Kirscht joins our lab, Welcome!
  • Dong Chen, a new graduate in Education, joins to support the GAPS program,welcome!
  • Dr. Jiang is advising a team from Innovation Fellows program for project with Energy Vault!
  • Yifan, Becky and Matt conducted >100 interviews, and completed the NSF I-Corp training!
  •     April
  • Emily's paper is accepted on Nanoscale Advances (IF=7.233), congratulations!
  • Our REFORM Team won the Student Innovation Fund Challenge, Congratulations!
  • Our REFORM Team presentated at the Ignite Innovation Showcase!
  • Our invention on UV blocking transparent coating has been granted a US patent.
  • Our REFORM program and students are featured on Chronicle of Higher Ed .
  • Our lab presents a promotion video for ISU innovation week.
  •     March
  • Dr. Jiang is serving the faculty search committee for the department.
  • We presented a promotion video for student innovation competition.
  • Our Janus particle research is featured on PCI magazine New Janus Particle Additives.
  • Dr. Jiang recieved NSF I-Corp Award and the team is participating the Spring cohort.
  • Dr. Jiang and undergraduate team secured a NASA ISGC award.
  • Dr. Jiang launched a REFORM program to recycle plastic waste for 3D printing.
  •     Feburary
  • Yifan receives Brown Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!
  • Ayuna co-authored a paper on high impact Cement and Concrete Research (IF=8.328).
  • Dr. Jiang help host the Active Learning workshop on campus, sponsored by NSF.
  • Prof. Jiang and his team receive Miller Faculty Fellowship.
  • Our nano-surfactant research is highlighted in Engineering News.
  • Undergraduate student Xilong Ke joins our lab, Welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang receives CBC Seed Grant Award for developing CRISPR/Cas delivery system.
  • Prof. Jiang is serving MSE graduate and faculty search committees.
  • Our Janus particle research is featured on a European coating magazine.
  •     January
  • Yifan passed the prelim, congratulations!!
  • Kyle and Emily give testimonials in promotion video for GAPS program led by Prof. Jiang!
  • Undergraduate students Elizabeth Griffin and Adam Eichhorn join our lab, Welcome!
  • Ayuna passed the prelim, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang co-authored a poster accepted in Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference!
  • New graduate student Matt Marander joins our lab, welcome!

  • -- 2020 --

        Nov - Dec
  • Kyle passed the prelim, congratulations!
  • Yifan receives the ISU Teaching Excellence Award. Congratulations!
  • Emily receives the MSE Research Excellence Award. Congratulations! News
  • Kyle, Becky and Dr. Jiang's gave science demos to Science Bound students.
  • Ayuna's research is featured in the engineering News.
  • Becky's review on biobased foams has been accepted by RSC Adv., congratulations!
  • New undergraduate student Tae Hyung Kim joins our lab, welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang receives two Iowa Energy Center grants as a Co-PI.
  • Prof. Jiang gives a talk for the DataFEWSion workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang receives funding support from NASA and EPSCoR Seed Grant as a co-PI.
  •     Sept - Oct
  • Fei's work is accepted by Nano Letters! (IF=12.34)
  • Prof. Jiang and Becky gave presentations at ASEE North Midwest Conference.
  • Ayuna published her results on high-impact journal J. Phys. Chem. Lett.! (IF=6.71)
  • Yifan receives Rohit Trivedi Best Paper Award, Congratulations!
  • Zihao published his results on Biochemical Engineering Journal!
  • Prof. Jiang presides and presents on virutal ACS National Conference!
  • Prof. Jiang initiates a new project on sustainability with City of Ames and CIRAS !
  • Yanhua publishes his results on J. Manuf. Process.!
  • Kyle received Teaching Excellence Award, Congratulations!
  •     July - Aug
  • Prof. Jiang is affiliated with the Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education(NIAMRRE)!
  • Prof. Jiang received funding support from Swine Health Information Center as a co-PI!
  • Our stratification research is featured in the Engineering News!
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded an NSF IUSE EHR undergraudate education grant as a co-PI!
  • Welcome Erin Peters, Tyler Kirscht and Chahong Lee to our group!
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded the Iowa Space Grant Consortium Base Program as the lead PI!
  • Yanhua successfully defended his Master thesis, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang recieves Pilot Proof-of-Concept Competition Award from the Regents Innovation Fund.
  • Prof. Jiang is invited to the Industry-University Partnership in Doctoral Education Virtual Workshop.
  •    May - June
  • Prof. Jiang recieves award for NASA ISGC (Iowa Space Grant Consortium) Base Program!
  • Yifan's artwork will be featured as the front cover of Materials Horizons. Congratualtions!
  • Emily's work on light blocking films is accepted by SM&T (IF=7.59). Congratualtions!
  • Yifan's work with Janus particles is accepted by Materials Horizons (IF=14.36). Congratualtions!
  • Emily's collaborative work with simulation is accepted on Nanoscale (IF=6.97). Congratualtions!
  • Prof. Jiang launches a new website for active learnign and inductive teaching link.
  • Prof. Jiang receives award from Miller Open Education Mini-Grant Program!
  • Madi receives Dean’s Leadership Award, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang is nominated to attend the National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI3) workshop!
  •    March - April
  • Kyle and Prof. Jiang published a book chapter on Fundamentals of Smart Materials!
  • Prof. Jiang is affiliated with department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE)!
  • Yanhua's paper on nanoink is accepted in J. Manuf. Process., congratulations!
  • GUMP launched by Prof. Jiang is featured on Engineering Podcast.
  •    Feburary
  • Kyle, Becky and Prof. Jiang gave presentation and demos on Scholars' Day.
  • Prof. Jiang is now affilicated with Crop Bioengineering Center.
  • Our new GAPS program is featured on Engineering news, Ames Tribune news and ASEE First Bell.
  • Prof. Jiang concluded the active learning workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang gave a seminar about gene delivery to plant cells in Crop Bioengineering Center.
  •    January
  • Prof. Jiang initiates the GAPS (Graduates for Advancing Professional Skills) learning community.
  • MSE undergraduate Andrew Ruba joins our lab, welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) as the lead principle investigator!
  • Emily passed the prelim smoothly, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang is giving the Active Learning and Inductive Teaching workshop.

  • -- 2019 --

       November - December
  • We held a potluck and gift exchange celebration with Wang lab in Agronomy, Happy Holidays!
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded foreign travel grant to give a keynote speech in a Workshop in Spain.
  • Prof. Jiang is serving the MSE department chair search committee.
  • Emily is presenting her results in Food Chemistry and Technology Conference.
  • Kyle and Becky performed outreach and gave demos and tours to Science Bound students.
  •    October
  • Our research has been featured on the back cover of Cyclone Engineering Research!
  • Emily is awarded the NASA fellowship from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC), Congrats!
  • Prof. Jiang concludes the Active Learning and Inductive Teaching workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang recieves Biobased Chemical/Bioproduct Seed Grant.
  •    September
  • Prof. Jiang gave MSE department seminar on the recent research progress.
  • Kyle and Becky performed outreach and gave demos to Science Bound students.
  • Our collaborative work was presented at the conference on nanotechnology of cement and concrete.
  • Prof. Jiang's new Active Learning and Inductive Teaching workshop is featured in the news.
  •    August
  • Prof. Jiang presented in nanomaterials sesssion at the ACS annual meeting.
  • Our research was presented in the National Association of Plant Breeders meeting.
  • Prof. Jiang co-chaired a new "Nanoinformatics" Symposium at the ACS annual meeting.
  • Emily won 2nd best presentation at the nano@ISU meeting, congrats!
  • Emily and Yifan presented at the nano@ISU meeting!
  • Rebecca Mort (undergraduate from Cornell) joins our group as a Ph.D. candidate, welcome!
  • Our work on nanoink collaborated with IMSE has been accepted on J. Micromech. Microeng.
  • We published a collaborative work of plastic recycling on J. Clean. Prod. (IF=6.4).
  •    July
  • Prof. Jiang gave a talk in a Polymer and Food Protection Consortium annual meeting.
  • Prof. Jiang gave a Lunch and Learn seminar for CB2 REU students.
  • We receive funding support through the Catron Fellowship.
  • Our lab and research is featured in the news.
  • Our biobased coating research is featured in the news.
  • Kyle is teaching the summer OPPTAG course for materials science and engineering.
  •    June
  • Emily's work on biobased coating is accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (IF=8.5)!
  • Ayuna and Prof. Jiang gave presentations at ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium.
  • Prof. Jiang is nominated to attend the National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI2) workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang receives Dean’s Excellence in Learning and Teaching Grant to promote active learning.
  • Prof. Jiang receives Doctoral New Investigator Grant from ACS Petroleum Research Fund.
  • Our lab receives a Phase 2 RIF award to develop a smart ink with Siegwerk USA Inc.
  • Yifan and Prof. Jiang gave poster and invited talk at 3M.
  •    May
  • Prof. Jiang gave invited talks at Dow, Akema and EPI at Lehigh University.
  • Our research is featured in the news.
  • Dr. Liu won the Postdoctoral Scholar Seed Grant Award, congrats!
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk at PPG Industries in Pittsburgh.
  • Prof. Jiang receives College of Human Sciences Intramural Collaborative Seed Grant as a co-PI.
  • Carmen Wu from Boise State will join us as a summer REU student, welcome!
  • GUMP founded by Prof. Jiang is featured in the news.
  • Prof. Jiang received excellent ratings for his 3rd year review.
  •    April
  • Prof. Jiang gave an invited talk at the USDA National Center at Peoria IL.
  • Ayuna's paper is featured as a covery story on Langmuir!
  • Riley recieved the offer and scholarship of MD/PhD program from University of Iowa, congrats!
  • Emily, Yifan and Ana gave presentations in CoatingsTech conference in Cleveland.
  • Prof. Jiang gave a tutorial talk in CoatingsTech conference about biobased coatings.
  • Yifan's work on polymer nanoparticle is featured in the news.
  •     March
  • Fei and Ayuna presented their work in Research Day!
  • Yifan's work is featured as a cover story on Journal of Colloid and Interface Science!
  • Fei's work on nanodumbbell is featured in the news.
  • Prof. Jiang receives courtesy appointment from Agronomy department!
  • Prof. Jiang gave a talk in APS annual conference!
  •     February
  • We received prestigious NSF-USDA EAGER Grant Award with Prof. Kan Wang from Agronomy!
  • Kyle, Madi and Prof. Jiang volunteered for the Engineering Scholars’ Day!
  • Prof. Jiang gave a talk in Smart Coating conference!
  • We received Presidential Interdisciplinary Research Seed (PIRS) Grant !
  • We received First-Year Honors Mentor Grant! Congratulations, Henry, Mason and Emily!
  •     January
  • Yifan's paper is accepted by JCIS (IF=6.361), congratulations!
  • Robben (Xuan) Wang from Chemistry joined our group. Welcome!
  • First-Year Honors students Mason and Henry are joining our group. Welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang recieves The Education Leadership Award for his outreach effort!

  • -- 2018 --

        October - December
  • Fei's nanodumbbell will be featured as cover on Nano Letters, congratulations!
  • Fei's paper on Janus nanodumbbell is accepted by Nano Letters (IF 12.080), congratulations!
  • Emily and Prof. Jiang filed a patent application on biobased transparent UV blocking coating.
  • Ayuna won Teaching Excellence Award, congratulations!
  • Jiang lab and Wang lab held a joint Christmas lunch.
  • We purchased a new Keyence confocal microscope for coating reserach.
  • Our lab is affiliated with and receiving support from Polymer and Food Protection Consortium.
  • Prof. Jiang is giving an invited talk at North Dokota State University.
  • We are setting up a new lab space for new cell culture work.
  •    July - September
  • Prof. Jiang is nominated to attend the National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI1) workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang, Emily, Yifan and Ana were selected to join the NSF I-Corps Program.
  • Madi joined group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
  • Prof. Haojie Yu from Zhejiang University visited lab and gave a department seminar!
  • Prof. Jiang and Fei gave invited talk at ACS Boston meeting, Yifan gave a poster presentation.
  • Ana, Riley and our research were featured in a CB2 REU program video.
  • Fei gave an excellent oral presentation in Nano@IAState meeting, congratulations!
  • Kyle and Prof. Jiang taught Summer OPPTAG program.
  •     April - June
  • Kyle and Ayuna's paper is accepted in Soft Matter and featured as backcover story, congratualtions!
  • Zihao and Jenny's paper (collaborating with Bratlie group) is accepted in ACS Omega, congratualtions!
  • We are awarded with Regents Innovation Fund to develop smart ink with Siegwerk!
  • Yifan, Emily and Prof. Jiang filed a patent disclosure on core-shell technology.
  • Welcome two REU students, Ana Miller and Riley Behan!
  • Emily and Prof. Jiang filed a patent disclosure on biobased transparent UV absorbing coating.
  • GUMP hosted a series events with Dr. Patricia Tice and Associate Dean Dr. Sriram Sundararajan.
  • Prof. Jiang launched GUMP (Graudate-Undergraduate Mentor Program) for inclusion and diversity.
  • Prof. Jiang gave a presentation at a Tau Beta Pi meeting.
  •     January - March
  • Dr. liu and Prof. Jiang filed a patent disclosure on nanoparticle synthesis.
  • Prof. Jiang gave an oral presentation in APS annual meeting.
  • Prof. Jiang received funding from NSF for organizing an ACS symposium.
  • A book chapter written by Kyle has been accepted, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang gave a seminar in ME department.
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded with 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award!
  • Emily is awarded with Brown Fellowship, congratulations!
  • We obtained a new lab room with more chemical hoods and bench space.

  • -- 2017 --

        October - December
  • Kyle won the Trinect Fellowshiop award, congratulations!
  • Our lab is awarded funding from NSF-CB2 center to develop biobased coating with industry.
  • Prof. Jiang gave invited talks at Cornell and Binghamton University.
  • Prof. Jiang and Jenny li gave a career talk to students from Education without Borders.
  •     July - September
  • Our lab (Kuyle, Yasi and John) hosted department and lab tour for students from Science Bound.
  • Our lab (Fei and Yifan) hosted department and lab tour for students from Education without Borders.
  • Serkan has a new baby, congratulations!
  • Welcome new group members: Yasi and John!
  • Yifan li received presidential scholarshiop! Congratulations!
  • Welcome new group members: Dr. Fei liu, Emily Olyson and Yifan li!
  • Kyle and Serkan presented in Nano@ISU Symposium!
  • Prof. Jiang gave invited talks at Zhejiang University, SJTU and CNICETH!
  •     April - June
  • Prof. Jiang talked to undergraduates at REU and Ames Lab Summer program!
  • Nancy Sweeney joined lab as a SULI summer student, welcome!
  • Kyle Miller is getting married, congratulations!
  • Prof. Jiang attended and presented proposals at CB2 IAB meeting in Decatur.
  • Prof. Jiang's paper on coating materials is accepted by the prestigious Chemical Society Reviews!
  • Dana, Devin and Connor presented poster in Undergraduate Research Symposium.
  • Prof. Jiang is nominated and selected to be a Sigma Xi member.
  • Serkan and Kyle presented their research in 2017 SFB annual conference at Minneapolis.
  • Prof. Jiang invited Prof. Minglin Ma from Cornell to give talk at MSE deparment seminar.
  •     January - March
  • Prof. Jiang is selected to attend NSF Career proposal writing workshop.
  • Prof. Jiang served as a panelist to review NSF proposals.
  • Serkan's paper on stimuli-responsive polymer brush is accepted by Chemical Communications!
  • We received First-Year Honors Mentor Program Grant!
  • Prof. Jiang gave a Seminar for Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
  • Our full-fledged fluorescent microscope is up running!
  • Honor students Dana Smith, Devin Palm and Connor Hammons joined lab, welcome!
  • Visiting scholar Serkan Demirci joined lab, welcome!

  • -- 2016 --

  • PhD candidate Kyle Miller joined lab, welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang is associated with Ames Lab!
  • Prof. Jiang is invited to talk in Peking, Tsinghua universities and Chinese Academy of Sciences!
  • Master candidate Zihao Xu joined lab (co-advised with Prof. Katie Bratlie), welcome!
  • Prof. Jiang is awarded foreign travel grant!
  • Gilman labs are cleaned and up-running!
  • Group webpage is online!