Graduate Degrees and Resources

Master of Science

Information and resources for Master of Science degree.

Master of Engineering

Information and resources for Master of Engineering degree.


Information and resources for Material Science PhD degree.

NDE Certificate

Information and resources for a certificate in Nondestructive Evaluation

Grad Student Resources

MSE Graduate Handbook – Policies and degree requirements for MSE graduate programs for students entering prior to 2022.

MSE Graduate Handbook 2022 – Current policies and degree requirements for MSE graduate programs for students entering 2022 and later.

Graduate Program Contact – Director of Graduate Education (DOGE) – Ralph Napolitano,

ISU Graduate College – Important information and resources offered by the Graduate College.

Tuition and Fees – Current information regarding tuition and fees for graduate students.

MSE Graduate Stipends and Benefits – Important financial information for MSE graduate students.

Awards and Fellowships – MSE student opportunities for awards, fellowships, internships, post-doctoral appointments, and other employment opportunities.

Center for Communication Excellence – Office within the Graduate College that offers free individual consultations with graduate writing consultants for students working on their thesis or dissertation, journal articles, research proposals, and conference papers, as well as other projects.