March 13, 2025

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Formation and structure of Na2S+ P2S5 amorphous materials prepared by melt-quenching and mechanical milling
SS Berbano, I Seo, CM Bischoff, KE Schuller, SW Martin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (1), 93-98

New developments in solid electrolytes for thin-film lithium batteries
I Seo, SW Martin
Lithium Ion Batteries-New Developments

Mixed Network Former Effect in Ion-Conducting Alkali Borophosphate Glasses: Structure/Property Correlations in the System [M2O][(B2O3) x (P2O5)] 2/3 (M= Li, K, Cs)
D Larink, H Eckert, M Reichert, SW Martin

The densities of mixed glass former 0.35 Na2O+ 0.65 [xB2O3+(1− x) P2O5] glasses related to the atomic fractions and volumes of short range structures
R Christensen, J Byer, G Olson, SW Martin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (3), 583-589

The glass transition temperature of mixed glass former 0.35 Na2O+ 0.65 [xB2O3+(1− x) P2O5] glasses
R Christensen, J Byer, G Olson, SW Martin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (4), 826-831

Cladding glass development for semiconductor core optical fibers
S Morris, T Hawkins, P Foy, J Ballato, SW Martin, R Rice
International Journal of Applied Glass Science 3 (2), 144-153

New Lithium Chalcogenidotetrelates, LiChT: Synthesis and Characterization of the Li+-Conducting Tetralithium ortho-Sulfidostannate Li4SnS4
Thomas Kaib, Sima Haddadpour, Manuel Kapitein, Philipp Bron, Cornelia Schröder, Hellmut Eckert, Bernhard Roling, Stefanie Dehnen
Chemistry of Materials 24 (11), 2211-2219

Non-Arrhenius ionic conductivities in glasses due to a distribution of activation energies
C Bischoff, K Schuller, SP Beckman, SW Martin
Physical review letters 109 (7), 075901

NMR and conductivity studies of the mixed glass former effect in lithium borophosphate glasses
M Storek, R Böhmer, SW Martin, D Larink, H Eckert
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (12), 124507

Structure and Ionic Conductivity in the Mixed-Network Former Chalcogenide Glass System [Na2S]2/3[(B2S3)x(P2S5)1–x]1/3
D Larink, H Eckert, SW Martin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (43), 22698-22710

1H NMR study of the hydrogen dynamics in the (NaS) xGe (OH) 4− x· yH2O ceramic proton conductors
A Shastri, D Shane, J Nordström, A Matic, SW Martin
Solid State Ionics 228, 46-55

Structural investigations of yNa2S+(1− y) PS5/2 glasses using Raman and infrared spectroscopies
C Bischoff, K Schuller, M Haynes, SW Martin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (23), 3216-3222

Mixed network former effect in ion-conducting alkali borophosphate glasses: structure/property correlations in the system [M2O] 1/3 [(B2O3) x (P2O5) 1–x] 2/3 (M= Li, K, Cs)
D Larink, H Eckert, M Reichert, SW Martin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (50), 26162-26176