March 13, 2025

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7Li and 11B Nuclear Spin Lattice Relaxation in B2O3 + 0.7 Li2O + xLiCl Glassy Fast Ionic Conductors
M Trunnell, DR Torgeson, SW Martin, F Borsa
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 139, 257-267

An Evaluation of The Ionic Conductivity in AgI – Doped Glasses: The Graded – Percolation Model
SW Martin
Solid State Ionics 51 (1-2), 19-26

Preparation and Characterization of High‐Density PbO–Bi2O3 – B2O3 Glasses
SE Van Kirk, SW Martin
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 75 (4), 1028-1031

29Si MAS‐NMR Study of the Short‐Range Order in Lithium Borosilicate Glasses
SW Martin, D Bain, K Budhwani, S Feller
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 75 (5), 1117-1122

Fast Ionic Conduction in Na2S + B2S3 Glasses: Compositional Contributions to Nonexponentiality in Conductivity Relaxation in the Extreme Low-Alkali-Metal Limit
HK Patel, SW Martin
Physical Review B 45 (18), 10292

Relaxation and Fluctuations in Glassy Fast-Ion Conductors: Wide-Frequency-Range NMR and Conductivity Measurements
F Borsa, DR Torgeson, SW Martin, HK Patel
Physical Review B 46 (2), 795

Multiple Frequency Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time and Conductivity Measurements of FIC Li2S+ SiS2 Glasses
SW Martin, HK Patel, F Borsa, D Torgeson
Solid State Ionics 53, 1141-1147

A New Problem in the Correlation of Nuclear‐Spin Relaxation and Ionic Conductivity in Superionic Glasses
M Tatsumisago, CA Angell, SW Martin
The Journal of Chemical Physics 97 (9), 6968-6974