March 13, 2025

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Glass Formation and High Conductivity in Lead Halide – Lead Metaphosphate Glasses
HGK Sundar, SW Martin, CA Angell
Solid State Ionics 18, 437-441

109Ag NMR Investigations of the Superionic Glasses (AgI)x · (Ag2O · 2B2O3)1− x
SW Martin, HJ Bischof, M Mali, J Roos, D Brinkmann
Solid State Ionics 18, 421-425

Transport and Thermodynamic Properties of AgI – Ag Oxysalt(s) Glasses
A Schiraldi, E Pezzati, P Baldini, SW Martin
Solid State Ionics 18, 426-430

Brillouin Scattering in AgI Rich Glasses
L Börjesson, SW Martin, LM Torell, CA Angell
Solid State Ionics 18, 431-436

Sequential Hypersonic Dampings due to Fast Ion Diffusion and Structural Relaxation in (AgI)x (AgPO3)1− x Ionic Liquids
L Borjesson, SW Martin, LM Torell, CA Angell
Solid State Ionics 18, 141-146

Relationships Between Conductivity and Apparent Glass Basicity. Conductivity Maximum in Glass
SW Martin
Solid State Ionics 18, 472-477

On the Glass Transition and Viscosity of P2O5
SW Martin, CA Angell
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 90 (25), 6736-6740

D.C. and A.C. Conductivity in Wide Composition Range Li2O-P2O5 Glasses
SW Martin, CA Angell
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 83, 185-207