Final Oral Exam – Danny Vennerberg


April 15, 2014    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


1126 Sweeney Hall
1126 Sweeney Hall, Ames, IA

Event Type

Final Oral Examination – Danny Vennerberg

PhD Student with Michael Kessler

Title: Development of scalable methods for the utilization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in polymer and metal matrix composites

Abstract: Multi-walled  carbon  nanotubes  (MWCNTs)  have  received  considerable  attention  as  reinforcement  for composites due to their high tensile strength, stiffness, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity as well as their low coefficient of thermal expansion. However, despite the availability of huge quantities of low-cost, commercially synthesized nanotubes, the utilization of MWCNTs in engineering composites is extremely limited due to difficulties  in  achieving  uniform dispersion  and  strong  interfacial  bonding  with the matrix.  A  proven  method of enhancing  the  nanotube-polymer  interface  and  degree  of  MWCNT  dispersion  involves  functionalizing  the MWCNTs  through  oxidation  with  strong  acids.  While  effective  at  laboratory  scales,  this  technique  is  not  well- suited for large-scale operations due to long processing times, poor yield, safety hazards, and environmental concerns.  This  work  aims  to  find  scalable  solutions  to  several  of the  challenges  associated  with  the  fabrication  of MWCNT-reinforced composites. A rapid, dry, and cost-effective method of oxidizing MWCNTs with O3 in a fluidized bed was developed as an alternative to acid oxidation. Oxidized MWCNTs were further functionalized with silane coupling agents using water and supercritical carbon dioxide as solvents in order to endow the MWCNTs with matrix-specific functionalities. The effect of silanization on the cure kinetics, rheological behavior, and thermo-mechanical properties of a model epoxy nanocomposites were investigated.  In order to achieve composite properties approaching those of individual nanotubes, new approaches are needed  to  allow  for  high  loadings  of  MWCNTs.  One  strategy  involves  making  macroscopic  mats  of  nanotubes called buckypaper (BP) and subsequently infiltrating the mats with resin in processes familiar to traditional fiber- reinforced composites. The latter part of this talk will outline a new method of producing BP comprised of oriented nanotubes through the use of a modified Taylor-Couette setup capable of simultaneously shearing and filtering an  aqueous  MWCNT  dispersion.  BP  produced  with  this  setup  exhibited  anisotropic  electrical  and  mechanical properties as a result of the nanotube alignment.


Exam Flyer
