Final Oral Exam – Yuzhan Li


April 15, 2014    
11:00 am - 1:00 pm


0312 Gilman Hall
0312 Gilman Hall, Ames, IA

Event Type

Final Oral Examination – Yuzhan LI

PhD Student with Michael Kessler

Title: Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline epoxy resins

Abstract: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites (CFRPs) plays an important role in facilitating the development of energy efficient systems. However, there are still several critical issues limiting the use of CFRPs in high performance applications, including the relatively poor matrix properties and the re- sidual  stresses  induced  dimensional  instability.  A  potential  strategy  to  solve  the  problems  mentioned above  involves  the  development  of  novel  polymer  matrices  with  improved  thermal  and  mechanical properties  and  low  coefficient  of  thermal  expansion  (CTE)  to  ensure  minimal  mismatch  in  CTE  be- tween polymer matrices and fiber reinforcements.  The objective of this work is to investigate a unique class of thermosetting materials known as liquid crystalline epoxy resins (LCERs) and evaluate the potential use of LCERs as polymer matrices in CFRPs. LCERs exhibit a polydomain structure with individual liquid crystalline (LC) domains dis- tributed  in  the  crosslinking  networks,  thereby  combining  the  outstanding  properties  of  liquid  crystals and thermosets. The presence of the rigid LC domains is expected to improve thermal and mechanical properties of the resins. In addition, liquid crystals possess properties that can be controlled by external fields, greatly improving the design flexibility. These attractive features make LCERs good candidates for polymer matrices in high performance composites.


Exam Flyer
