MSE/IAB Student Poster Competition Submission


April 4, 2013 - April 23, 2013    
All Day

Event Type

MSE/IAB Student Poster Contest

The third annual Materials Science and Engineering Graduate and Undergraduate Poster Competition will take place on May 3 at the Memorial Union. Posters will be judged in one of two divisions: undergraduate or graduate (where the first author is an undergraduate student or graduate student), and prizes will be given to the top three posters in each division.

Posters size should be no larger than 4 ft wide x 3 ft high. Students should complete the information below by the poster registration deadline of April 22, 2013.

The judging will be completed by the department’s Industrial Advisory Board members, and the posters will be displayed at the departmental Awards Banquet on Friday, May 3 from 5:30-6:15 p.m. in the South Ballroom of the Memorial Union. The winners of the contest will be announced later that evening.

**Once you have completed your poster, please email a PDF copy to Melissa Skinner at by April 29.**
